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You are Enough

We live in a broken world with broken relationships. Even the healthiest of connections suffer from pain and loss at some point along the journey. We continue to search for people who will love us, direct us and walk along side us. We are hardwired in that way because we are made in the image of God, and he lives in community with the Son and the Holy Spirit. Togetherness is woven into our DNA. We can't escape our need to be with people.

Unfortunately, many of us have burn wounds from when we trusted someone who did not deserve our trust. This may have even been someone who should have been deemed trustworthy: a spouse, a sibling, a parent, a friend, a teacher, a leader, and the list can go on and on. We still have the desire to be close to someone but we are fearful of getting hurt again. Or perhaps these wounds create a painting of jealousy. Our flesh cries out in pain as we compare ourselves to others who seem to be flourishing in the intimate relationship we desire as we desperately search for replacements for that vacancy. What do we do then?

I wish I had a beautiful and easy answer that would erase the hurt and the longing right away. Broken relationships are yet another byproduct of the sin that still rages our world. And while pity parties, carbo-loading or adult beverages may seem like a solution, those are short-lived and ill-fitting.

There is only One who can wholly fill the hole in our hearts, Jesus. Jesus is enough. He is enough. And while that truth can be hard to accept when feelings of despair and loneliness creep in, we need to claim that truth and grasp a hold of it with everything we have! In my own moments of desperation, I will declare this out loud. "You are enough!" Sometimes I have to say it over and over again until my heart begins to soften to what my brain is trying to confront.

I have found that when I proclaim to Jesus that He is enough, the Holy Spirit begins to reveal to me those people whom He has lovingly brought into my life to speak truth and love to me. These are physical people who I need right now on earth to sustain me until I get to go home to Heaven. They may not be the package I thought I would have, but they are an example of God' faithfulness and love.

God loves his children and knows exactly what they need. The Lord is compassionate, faithful, generous, good, loving, providing, a refuge, righteous, sovereign, and wise. And he is worthy of all honor and glory and praise.

Jesus, you are enough for me.


Cincinnati, Ohio

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